Measuring the Impact of Dynimize on Your MySQL Workload
While it's easier to measure the impact of Dynimize if you are running a MySQL benchmark with clear metrics, it can sometimes be a challenge on a production workload where you don't have precise performance analytics or metrics available. There are many...
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Reduce MySQL CPU Usage Through Dynamic Binary Optimization
Dynimize, a dynamic binary optimizer, has been shown to improve MySQL performance in CPU intensive workloads. This post explores how Dynimize can be used to instantly reduce MySQL CPU usage without altering a single line of your application code or my.cnf. You...
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Dynimize Quickstart Tutorial
Duration: 10 min Level: Beginner This tutorial will show you how to install Dynimize. We'll then use it to optimize a live MySQL process that's been running the Sysbench OLTP benchmark, obtaining a 46% increase in performance by applying Dynimize. ...
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Dynimize + MySQL Cross-Microarchitecture Analysis
In this blog post I will discuss how the Dynimize cross microarchitecture performance results were obtained, followed by an analysis of these results. You can download the scripts to generate similar graphs for your own system from here. Note this repository also...
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Measuring CPU stall reductions from Dynimize
Duration: 30 min Level: Intermediate In this tutorial we are going to install and experiment with Dynimize using MySQL running the Sysbench OLTP benchmark. We also play around with the Linux perf command, top and vmstat. This tutorial assumes that you...
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